Dinking Post

For Warm Climates

Hydration is Critical in Warm Climates.

If you live in a warm climate, you know the importance of keeping your animals hydrated. Water intake can double in the summer! The hot weather causes your animals to sweat, and those fluids need to be restored! This is especially true if your animals are working. With the Drinking Post, you can feel confident they’re getting plenty of water. Animals love the fresh, cool water from the Drinking Post – and they drink a lot more because it’s so tasty! Who can blame them? There’s nothing like crisp, cool drink of water in the summer heat!

No Algae Growth

  • Never clean algae again! The Drinking Post fills and drains with each use, so there’s never standing water in the bowl. No standing water means no algae growth – EVER! Every time the paddle is pushed, brand-new, fresh water flows up directly from the waterline.

Higher Water Intake

  • Animals with the Drinking Post drink more water than those without. They love having constant access to fresh, clean water. The water is so palatable to them, they just drink more!

Cool Water

  • The water from the Drinking Post is always cool. The base of the Post sits deep in the ground, allowing the water to stay at a constant temp of 50 F/10 C. This is the perfect drinking temp for animals. If their water is cool, they’ll drink more.

Drinking Post is the best watering option for warm climates. All other watering methods (both manual and automatic) have a reservoir of standing water that the animal drinks from. This standing water is the root of all watering problems! It causes:

  • Algae growth
  • Hot, stagnate water
  • Bugs swarming
  • Dirt and debris settling in water
  • Animals playing in water
  • Bird feces and other contaminates falling in water
  • Larve growth

Drinking Post owners don’t have ANY of these problems!