
Water is always available for livestock, regardless of freezing or high temperatures. Animals quickly learn operation and when new cows are added, the other cows teach the new ones. AND, no troughs to manage or scrub!!

I installed two drinking post in my barn for our horses. They really save on chores. Winter is around the corner. No more dealing with heated water buckets and electric cords! The horses caught on quickly and like using them. It’s a win all the way around.

I wish I would have done this sooner. No winter electric bill spike to keep the water from freezing. Fresh water all the time and easy to install!!
Matt McIntyre –
we love our drinking post for our horses, it beats trying to keep a water trough clean and cool in the summer and heated and breaking ice in the winter, ours has worked flawlessly the last 2 years, right now south central Indiana has below zero wind chills and the horses have fresh drinking water when they need/want it. I always Vaseline the rod before the cold weather sets in, very easy to do after watching the video. have recommended to a lot of friends and people who stop by. they are amazed at how it works with no electricity.
Alana France –
Another great customer experience with no damaged parts to report which is super important, one bad experience equals many bad reviews and one good experience only a few. Customer service team very helpful and emphasized the importance in set up of post. Hired a professional to do installation, paid $700.00 and worth it. I’m a happy wife, and therefore a happy life for hubby, with no complaints to report to plumber thus far (lol). My Lucy converted naysayers by taking to the drinking post right away, now has fresh clean water year round in hot humid FL. Milk Dud still drinking out of cow trough, easier then getting Lucy to move. Will be reaching out to customer service for tips. I think she wants her own. So very happy for my girls, thank you.
Carrie Balcirak (verified owner) –
The Drinking Post is the BEST! For years I had to hook up a hose and fill my horses tank(s) through all the seasons. Deal with algae and ice and all the other problems with using a tank. The cost was crazy to keep the water defrosted through the winter months. My previous farrier told me about the Drinking Post waterers and I have been grateful ever since. It took a bit for my mini donkey to catch on (guess he might be a tad stubborn 🙂 ) My 3 quarter horses ranging in age from 15-31 all caught on almost immediately. My mini horse took a little longer, but in the end they all caught on and life has been a dream ever since. I wish I had known about these a long time ago. I spread the word any chance I get. I love that they do not require electricity and therefore save on cost. It definitely isn’t something I could have completely installed myself. Fortunately my husband is handy in this area and we have a friend with equipment and plumbing knowledge. I’m sure we could have got the job done without the large equipment and the plumber friend, but it would have taken much longer and probably a little more trouble shooting. I don’t want to discourage anyone from getting the Drinking Post waterers, because it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Just be prepared to investigate how you are going to install them and be ready with all the supplies you need to make the process much smoother. I also will add that the customer service is wonderful. When my mini donkey wasn’t catching on real quick I reached out to customer service and they gave me some great tips. Thanks again.
Rick Johnson –
I’d been looking at these for awhile. Decided to move some horses around and needed a new water line so I installed one and the best thing I’ve done for our horses. Will be buying a couple more in the future. Ps only took our horses about 5 minutes to figure it out
Amanda Y –
We installed our Drinking Post system in October, it worked beautifully all winter long. Any time we had any questions or issues their customer service (Sarah Short) was amazing to deal with. We used to spend 80-120 a month in electricity in the winter to keep the stock tank ice free and a ton of time and effort in the summer to keep it clean, this unit is definitely a money saver! We live in Southern Wisconsin and did not have any issues over the winter freezing up. I love that the horses have clean fresh water 24/7! I would recommend anyone that has livestock to invest in one of these!
Mo (verified owner) –
I bought this in the fall of 2021, I had issues that the bowl froze in sub zero weather, due to have the rod not set right to drain and also had some hay in it that would not let it drain properly, then this spring i had water standing around the water, which would indicate there is a leak !
so I contacted the company, and they wanted pictures, i didn’t want to deal with all that , so several days later I ordered a new valve , and that took care of it, which was a “faulty” valve , when the horses got a drink it would water would come out of the drain hole on the valve , i have yet to see a refund on the new valve they send me as I have paid for it !. otherwise I like the drinking post
P Smith (verified owner) –
Love the drinking posts! We installed two this fall and 8 (out of 9) of the horses learned to use it the very first day! The ninth horse took some time, but we realized it was because he went into a stall at night and was drinking water the old way. Once we kept him outside, he had to learn to use the drinking post. Definitely worth the money!
Dave Isaac –
We have 2 waterers , one for horses and one for goats. the horses learned in one day how to drink, but the goats it was more a a challenge, but with the help of the Drinking Post staff the goats did figure it out. (we ordered the livestock paddle & then added a block of wood to the paddle). We live in Minnesota so no more freeze up of the old Richie style waterer.
Sheri Gabari –
I have horses and cattle. We put in a drinking post on a split fence took the horses 5 min. To figure it out cows a half day and calves a day. What a life saver. I live in they mountains of idaho and had to sue a chainsaw to keep ice out of the creek. It would have cost 8000.00 to put power where my barn is and then the cost to drill a well. Instead I ran power and water from my house over 1000 ft and across a Rd for 5000. What a game changer. Will be buying more when my corals are built next summer.
Jake (verified owner) –
Out of all my years of having horses I finally built my own barn at our house and wanted a waterer that was low maintenance, automatic, and a product that was just simply designed, which is The Drinking Post. The result being is very happy and healthy horses plus no worrying if the water is dirty, hot, cold, nor frozen. I would highly recommend The Ultimate Drinking post to anyone who wants the best for their horses!!
Linda and Mark Bocovich –
Horses went to it with no problem on getting a drink. They really enjoy the fresh water and seem to drink more then they did from a stock tank. Was easy to install and have had no problems with it in the cold winter. It built up a ice between the bowl and outside post but had no problems with the paddle no working and draining. Would recommend it.
Anita Niessen –
I love my drinking post! Handles our cold winters, is hardy, problem free. Very little maintenance, easy to train the horses to. Easy to clean-so much cleaner than stock tanks!
Rick –
I have owned my Drinking Post for many years and have had to dig it out twice due to leakage related to underground nylon threads. I’ve had to replace the bowl once due to a broken hinge connection that is plastic. All an expensive endeavor. Still, I like the concept but wish the parts were more durable.
Mary Maier –
I added a Drinking Post waterer to a corner each in my indoor arena and in my enclosed shelter. I couldn’t be more pleased! I have quit putting my horses in stalls. The drinking posts allow them year round trouble free fresh water in a herd style environment. Th reduction in work hauling buckets in the winter and constantly scrubbing troughs in the summer makes the Drinking Post worth every penny! I had a local Drinking Post retailer install mine. I was a bit hesitant to cut over from troughs, but I needn’t have worried. The herd figured it out with a couple of days of leading each horse over and showing them. My boss pony mare led the way for the others. The Drinking Posts have worked very well year-round in SW Ohio. They did not freeze even on single digit cold nights.
Sandy Clark –
I have 4 drinking posts. One of which is over 7 years old. I have not had one problem with it. The other 3 are just a couple years old and no problems. My animals love them. Even if I put out a bucket for the foals the horses don’t drink from anything but the posts.
Shane –
I’ve had my Drinking Post for 8 years now and it’s been flawless! We live in Northern WI where it gets cold, -30 and colder. Our waterer has been used every day,since it was installed and it has never froze or failed. The only thing I’ve ever done is replace the paddle. The screws came loose and a horse wondered off with the paddle. I later found the paddle and now still have a spare.
Delbert Tennant –
Your product is great we love it our horses are happy to have clean fresh water.
Martin Kenny CJF APF –
Mules are pretty picky. Mine loves the Drinking Post. Wish I had done this a long time ago!
As a farrier for almost 50 years, I know the importance of good hydration. They both our horses and Mules, love this and I really think drink more than they did before!
Greg Jerome –
Great waterer for the horses. I have used the drinking post for 2 years now. It hasn’t failed to provide water during temperatures from 105 to -20F. When the water slowed down I was able to remove the center piping without digging anything up. I cleaned up the bottom filter reinstalled the center piping and back to full flow. It’s the best waterer on the place. The horse and miniature donkey all drink without any problem.
Craig Whitehead –
We just went through our third winter in east central Alberta with our water post. Season 1 and 2 were a challenge as the waterer froze up frequently. The water post people were struggling to find the problem for us completely hands off. They sent me an entire down hole set up to replace the ice damaged parts at no charge. At the end of winter 2. It was decided by them to leave the restrictor at the bottom of the system out for a quicker drain down time. Leaving this out made the bowl drain time 50% quicker. It now goes from full to empty in 10 seconds. Last winter even with some -40f temperatures I never touched it. Problem solved!! The water post people were very helpful and concerned that we were happy with there product. Rather impressive. Thank you.
Tom –
We love our drinking posts and so do the animals. Cool fresh clean water on demand that never freezes or gets warm. Almost no maintenance and only took one lesson to teach the donkey and mule to drink. I simply fed them a few treats right at the drinking post and while I had their attention I pushed the paddle down let the bowl fill and wiggled my hand in the water splashing it about, walked away and they figured it out on their own. A tip I would like to share is while you have the hole dug and the waterline in hand add a tee and a Iowa hydrant. It is always nice to have a hose connection where ever you have a waterline. If you have need for a waterer you want it to be a drinking post.
Donald Strahan –
we installed this around 2 years ago and have had no issues. this is one of the best investments we have ever made. no more emptying water tanks and no more larva in the tank. last winter was down to 7 degrees and water did not freeze. We have 4 horses and a mule. took me 5 minutes to train all and no issue’s since. I work overseas and gone 4 weeks at a time so this is a big advantage for my wife not to have to fill or clean.