
Profitable Cattle Breeds

When it comes to profitable cattle breeds there are many choices.  Let’s take a quick look at some of the most profitable cattle breeds.  Tell us about your favorite and leave a comment below.  We’d love to hear from you!

Texas Longhorn

Did you know that Columbus and the early Spanish colonists brought the Texas Longhorn to the new world? The first cattle were brought to the island of Hispaniola (current countries of Dominican Republic and Haiti) in 1493 to be used to feed the new colonists. Later their descendants followed the Spanish settlers to Mexico and even later traveling to what is now Texas. For hundreds of years these cattle lived a mostly wild existence on the rangelands.  As a result, they have a higher tolerance of heat and drought than most European breeds. This cattle breed is most widely recognized by its characteristic horns.  Texas Longhorns can be any color or mix of colors, but dark red and white are the most dominant.

Black AngusCattle

With more than 330,000 registered animals, Black Angus is the most common breed in the U.S.  The Black Angus is popular for its characteristic well-marbled, full-flavored beef. Also, Angus cattle require little maintenance during calving season, are good mothers, and utilize feed very effectively. The Black Angus cattle breed came to the U.S. in the 19th century and gained its footing in Kansas. Known for their heartiness, the Angus capably survives harsh  winters with lots of snow. Overall, the breed is known for a relatively easy temperament and fast growth. The darker hide pigmentation protects the breed against cancer eye and sun- and snow-burned udders.


You’ve seen the red body and white face of the familiar Hereford breed. Originating in England, Herefords became very popular in the U.S. for their early maturity and fattening ability. Herefords constantly delight owners by being docile, easy calvers, good milkers, and good mothers. They command top prices for finished cattle, a higher selling price for breeding stock and a greater economy of feed to weight gain. Cattle breeders praise Herefords for their vigor and foraging ability and for their longevity. Many females live and produce calves beyond the age of 15 years. Bulls are capable of remaining profitable at stud to the age of 12 or more. Many breeders keep their elderly cattle until they die of natural causes.


If you’ve lived in “dairy country” Holsteins are a familiar name on any list of successful cattle breeds. While the black and white cattle are the most popular breed for dairy, Holsteins not used for breeding stock or milk production enjoy great value as beef cattle. Beef from finished Holstein steers has many desirable characteristics and provides a consistent product. Holstein dairy cattle dominate this country’s milk production industry. The reason for their popularity is clear: un-excelled production and greater income over feed costs. Holsteins are also prized for unequaled genetic makeup, and proven ability to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions.


Highland Cattle

Sporting a shaggy coat and impressive long horns, Highlands require little in the way of shelter, feed supplements, or expensive grains to achieve and maintain good condition and fitness. Cold weather and snow have little effect on them. Highland cattle thrive as far north as Alaska and Scandinavia. Surprisingly, Highland Cattle adapt well to warm climates. You’ll find successful herds as far south as Texas and Georgia. Highland beef is meat that is lean, well marbled, and flavorful. The Highland’s have the proven ability to produce top quality meat without the addition of expensive high-quality feeds. That fact alone makes this breed the perfect choice for those people who wish to produce beef with natural inputs. Their horns provide predator protection. Their long bangs protect the eyes and face. Shorter legs mean fewer foot and leg problems.

Drinking Post For The Bottom Line

Why choose a Drinking Post for your own cattle operation? There are lots of great reasons to include Drinking Posts in a profitable cattle operation. Think about energy savings, money savings and labor savings and you’re thinking about a Drinking Post Frost-Free Automatic Livestock Waterer. We make profitable – possible!

Non Electric Savings

Our unique design does not require electricity to maintain temperature-controlled water! The freeze proof and energy free cattle waterer are similar to frost free yard hydrants in installation and operation. A Drinking Post will not have any standing water anywhere above the frost line. No ice to chip away! The bowl fills once activated in 5-8 seconds and drains immediately after every use. No insulation or concrete pads needed to keep our cattle waterers frost free.


No Minimum Head Count

Whether you have a small herd or a large herd, Drinking Post automatic cattle waterers can service your watering needs! Many other automatic cattle watering systems require a set number of cattle to use their system to keep it freeze proof. With no standing water at risk of freezing, Drinking Post has no minimum head count to keep our waterers functional. In fact, your new Drinking Post easily services 25 head of livestock per post!

5 Year Warranty

A strong 8 inch exterior sleeve protects our frost-free automatic waterer . The Drinking Post is made of a synthetic plastic polymer which is very strong but has flex when needed. So, if cattle are leaning and rubbing, it will flex with the pressure instead of breaking. Recommended above ground height for cattle waterers is just below your smallest animal’s shoulder height, which means that most of the waterer will be supported and protected by ground cover.  That goes a long way to prevent breaking.  The best news of all for your bottom line: a new Ultimate Drinking Post comes with a 5 year warranty for all parts – structural and working parts.

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