Meet Chuck
Chuck and his wife moved to Weatherford, Texas from Colorado with their dogs, horses and mule in early 2024. He is twice retired, 24 years with the U.S. Navy and 12 years with the University of Michigan. He obtained his undergraduate at the University of Southern Illinois and his MBA at the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. In addition to selling Drinking Post, he also breeds fine riding mules. Chuck is an active outdoorsman having hunted and fished all over the U.S., Canada and even Argentina.
Weatherford Drinking Post
4001 N. FM 51, Weatherford, TX 76085
(970) 398-5469 | [email protected]
Livestock's Favorite Waterer.
Drinking Post is Different
It solves watering problems that others can't.
The Drinking Post is unique because it fills and drains with each use, so there’s never any standing water! Other waterers like troughs, tanks, and buckets have a reservoir of standing water that the animal drinks from. This reservoir causes most watering problems – it grows algae, collects dirt and debris, attracts bugs and bacteria, and provides a breeding ground for water-borne illnesses. With the Drinking Post, all the water drains away (and all those problems with it!).
The Drinking Post functions and installs like a frost-free yard hydrant. The most important parts of the installation are (1) making sure the base of your Post sits 18″ below the frostline, and (2) making sure your leach field is big enough. Because the Drinking Post is so similar to a yard hydrant, any outdoor plumber or excavator can easily install it. Please read our Installation Guide before getting started.
Your local Dealer, Chuck Amyx with Weatherford Drinking Post, can help you with all your installation needs! Call him at (970) 398-5469.
We stand behind our product with a comprehensive 5 year warranty. Drinking Post is strong, sturdy, and durable!
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