We reinvented watering for Sheep.
Drinking Post Sheep Waterer is specially designed with sheep in mind!
This sheep waterer has a specialized paddle to help sheep learn the Drinking Post quickly and use it with ease. The sheep paddle rises vertically out of the bowl, allowing sheep to activate on demand water by ‘butting’ the paddle with their head.
Drinking Post Waterer provides the freshest, cleanest water with absolutely no effort on your part! Just set it and forget it (and rest assured that you’re providing your sheep with the best care possible)!
Drinking Post Sheep Waterer
Fresh, clean, and cool water
- Water stays at a constant temp of 50 F/10 C (consistent water temp is a HUGE motivator for your sheep to drink more water).
- The bowl fills with fresh water every time your sheep pushes the paddle.
- After they’re done, all the water drains away, so there’s never any standing water.
- No standing water means no freezing or algae growth!
No Electricity Required!
- Drinking Post sheep waterer functions and installs like a frost-free hydrant.
- There is a stop-and-drain valve at the base of the Post, which allows the unit to fill and drain with each use.
- When the sheep is done drinking, they release the paddle and all the water in the unit drains completely.
- All the water fills and drains below the frostline, leaving the unit completely empty (there’s no water in there to freeze!).
- This unique sheep waterer design doesn’t require any heaters, insulation, or concrete pads.
Versatile Design
- Each Drinking Post can handle up to 25 sheep. More than 25 sheep in a lot? Just install additional Posts.
- There is no minimum head count, Drinking Post sheep waterer will stay frost-free even with no sheep using it. This is great for fluctuating herd sizes and rotational grazing!
- Since all the water drains below the frostline after each use, the Post can sit unused for long periods of time. You don’t have to do anything to prepare your Post to sit unused, just simply stop using it.
Specialized Paddle for Sheep!
- Sheep will use our Livestock Riser Block Attachment. If you order the Drinking Post for Sheep, the correct paddle attachment will be included.
- The sheep paddle attachment is a weighted block that attaches to the standard flat paddle.
- This attachment allows the sheep to butt the paddle forward with their head, which plays on their natural head-butting tendencies.
- With this specialized attachment, sheep waterer training is quick and easy! Check out our Training Guide for more info.
Watch this video to learn all about using the Drinking Post for sheep! The Drinking Post is the perfect auto waterer and was specially designed with sheep in mind! If you want happy, healthy sheep, the Drinking Post is right for you!