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Drinking Post Installer Program

Join our no-cost Installer Program! Just fill out the Installer Agreement below. Generate extra leads for your business by offering Drinking Post installation

– No cost to join
– Must hold your own insurance
– Start by completing the Installer Agreement

Installer Map

Once we receive your Installer Application, we’ll add you to the Installer Map on our website. Our customers use that map to find a local installer to hire.

Installation is Easy!

The Drinking Post functions & installs like a frost-free hydrant!

If you are an outdoor plumber or excavator, or have experience doing dirt work, you can install the Drinking Post! The base of the Post sits 18″ below the local frost line and connects to a pressurized waterline. The waterline must supply 25-65 PSI to the base of the Post. The Post sits on top of a leach field made of crushed rock. The leach field must be 3′ x 3′ x 1′ deep. No electricity, cement pad, or insulation required! Any outdoor plumber or excavator can install the Drinking Post and many of our Dealers offer installation as well.

Installation Diagram - English resized

Drinking Post is versatile!

It can be easily installed anywhere, including pastures, stalls, corrals, and lots!

Installation Instructions

For installation instructions, visit this page: